- Black Fathers: Challenges the stereotype of absent Black fathers and emphasizes their active and diverse involvement in family life.
2. Categorical Terms: Terms that simplify and categorize complex family dynamics, potentially leading to misunderstandings and limited perspectives.
3. Educational Disparities: Differences in educational outcomes influenced by family structure, challenging assumptions about the universal benefits of specific family setups.
4. Empowerment: The process of enabling individuals, in this context, Black women, to take control and define their parenting experiences beyond restrictive labels.
5. External Narratives: Societal stories and beliefs about family structures that may not accurately reflect the experiences of individuals and communities.
6. Intersectionality: The interconnected nature of social categories, such as race, gender, and socioeconomic status, which can shape individuals' experiences.
7. Nuanced Approach: An approach that considers multiple factors, including kinship resources and diverse contributions from fathers, challenging simplistic views.
8. Outcome Disparities: Varied impacts on individuals or groups based on family structure, challenging the assumption that all children benefit equally from specific family setups.
9. Parenting Spectrums: A more inclusive and flexible approach to understanding parenting dynamics, recognizing the diversity of family structures and contributions from various sources.
10. Reevaluation: A critical reassessment of commonly accepted beliefs and assumptions about family structures and their impacts.
11. Single Mom Stereotype: Societal assumptions that oversimplify the experiences and capabilities of mothers raising children without a partner.
Works Cited
"Black Fathers." Black Fathers - Fatherhood.gov. "The Myth of the Missing Black Father." Fatherhood.gov, https://www.fatherhood.gov/research-and-resources/myth-missing-black-father.
“Intersectionality” Chicago Unbound. "[Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics]," Chicago Unbound,Volume 1989,
“Educational Disparities” Economic Policy Institute. "Disparities Chartbook." Economic Policy Institute, 6/15/2022, https://www.epi.org/publication/disparities-chartbook/